Megan is our powerhouse multitasker, decision maker and organizer of the farm. She is the face behind all HomeGrown emails/texts/calls/social media, audit documentation, CSA promotion and business management. Megan creates the processes and expectations for the farm to keep things moving in a constant forward direction. She is our grant writer, novice Quickbooks connoisseur, legal representative and community liaison. Megan is our personal chef and loves to search for new recipes, share tried and true recipes and test out family traditions from our Handpicked subscribers. Her next farm expansion will include something to highlight the love she is able to create in the kitchen. Megan has the belief that “food heals”. Whether the food be fresh, chopped, sautéed or roasted, it provides comfort in the best and worst times in our lives. Megan’s intent is for HomeGrown Direct to play that vital role in our customers lives. To provide joy and comfort for all the families that trust us throughout the season.
Megan’s most valued role is mommy to Jax and John Parker. Let’s be honest, being a mom is the most challenging, yet rewarding job. It’s sleepless nights, periods of worry, spans of time where you truly have no idea what you are doing. It’s also times of excitement and joy, moments of strength and unexplainable proudness. Some people call it “special needs”, others “neurodivergent;” parenting a child that takes additional time, clarity and understanding creates a whole different breed of mommy. We are blessed to have autism touch our family in such a direct way. Our farm will forever evolve to best fit all of the children that call this place home, and Megan will be at the front of the charge.
Sarcastic and witty, thoughtful yet stern; Megan sets the vibe of the farm during events, audits or pick-ups. You can find her chatting about recipes, delivering meals for our customers that are under the weather (remember- we know where you live!) or speaking about the farm and our family dream whenever there is a chance. Megan takes pride in supporting local entrepreneurs, partnering with Handpicked subscribers that have their own local businesses and spreading the importance of establishing a fruitful local economy where our earned dollars are staying in our community.
This type A farmer knows no limits! With an aspiration this season to be more purposeful with her actions and time management, Megan is venturing into the “un-comfort zone”. Growth for our business, our family and ourselves will not happen until we personally go to a place that we have not been, with a desire we might not have known we have, for a purpose that can change the world. Megan is aware of the assignment; watch out for her and what she has planned next.